
Vision and Values

Child Focused
  • Pupil wellbeing, progress and achievement informs all trust decisions.
  • Our students come first and every decision we make is designed to ensure that each and every student enjoys their education and achieves their best possible outcomes.
  • We want them to be healthy and happy as they progress though their education, developing a love for learning and the highest aspirations for themselves
  • Equal access to high quality education for all pupils is paramount.
  • We promote an atmosphere of encouragement, acceptance and respect for effort and achievements, with sensitivity to the individual needs of all children.
  • Specialist Resource Provisions in schools currently within trust have specific staff expertise in inclusion and ongoing commitment to staff development and understanding around SEND.
  • Robust strategies are in place to fully support our PPG families.
  • Our schools reflect and represent our local communities and are each a unique entity with their own distinct personality
  • We believe that we can make the biggest difference when we work together as a strong team.
  • This is at every level of the trust - from the board, to senior leaders, staff, pupils and our parents and local community.
  • By working together, we can be greater than the sum of our parts. Sharing curriculum planning; subject expertise and centralised services.
  • Helping our pupils to understand that working together can enable them to achieve their best.
  • We are schools for the community and want to serve the local community to provide the best education for our local families
  • We want everyone within our trust to strive for excellence. Ambition permeates everything we do.
  • Our senior leaders are continually focused on ensuring that our schools deliver quality first teaching; remain committed to pedagogical research and staff professional development.
  • Academic excellence is our goal and high aspirations are key to each child achieving their academic potential.
  • We believe that 'never giving up' is key to the success of the trust.
  • We welcome challenges and how and what we can learn from them.
  • We must never stand still and we are always looking for new opportunities for everyone within the trust to grow and develop.
  • Resilient leaders can rise to challenges and look to overcome them and learn from them.
  • Resilient learners develop strategies to overcome hurdles and build their learning power